School Districts

Clean Energy HVAC Can Save School Districts Heaps of Money and Frustration

Attention School Leaders!

Ensuring healthy school facilities goes a long way toward easing the physical and mental beating our nation’s students and teachers have taken over the last couple of years. One of the best ways to achieve normalcyand even more productive school communitiesis to evaluate, then modify, the HVAC systems in your facilities.

Did you know…

  • 36,000 schools nationwide need HVAC upgrades (1). How many geriatric systems operate in your district?
  • At least five of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Nine Foundations of a Healthy Building relate to HVAC systems. How do the ventilation, air quality, moisture, thermal comfort, and dust/allergen levels rate in your school buildings?
  • Poor ventilation in schools is associated with student fatigue, lower attention span, and loss of concentration. In fact, a study of 75,000 high school students in New York City found that students were 12.3% more likely to fail an exam on a 90°F day versus a 75°F day (2). Could your district’s academic scores improve with better, cleaner HVAC technology?

Consider this: The aforementioned statistics were issues before COVID-19 struck. Now, you

have to tame an airborne virus as well.


There will never be a better time, other than yesterday, to upgrade your school buildings with cleaner, more efficient HVAC systems. Meeting ASHRAE Standard 62.1 and maximizing air filtration can keep school communities open, healthy, and productive during future health emergencies.

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