Machine shops, notorious for indoor air nightmares, take on added environmental concerns when CNC is the heart of the shop. Proper Computerized Numerical Control or computerized manufacturing requires a good deal of temperature and humidity control to achieve precision manufacturing results along with air quality that supports a thriving staff of technicians.

Temperature affects CNC output.

Temperature stability becomes critical for producing quality products. High shop temperatures can cause equipment and supplies to morph–swelling, bending–throwing CNC machines off their game. Static issues and shrinkage are possible when temps dip too much. Varying temperatures can further throw off precision measurements and therefore productivity. At that point you risk an inferior finished product. Depending on supplies used and geographic climate, a CNC shop would do well to install optimal HVAC operated through dynamic controls for taming these issues.

CNC shop humidity is as important as temperature control. 

CNC technology engages high-pressure water pumps flowing with cutting fluid. Often a combination of coolant, various chemical compounds, mineral oils, and corrosion inhibitors, the fluid is nevertheless water-based. If the resulting moisture in the air promotes a rising dewpoint resulting in high humidity, condensation has a field day with equipment prone to shorting out as well as causing corrosion and oxidation of materials such as carbon steel. To avoid unnecessarily replacing parts and coping with the ire of uncomfortable staff, keep humidity between 50% and 60%.  

Get that oil out of the machine room air, Slick!

Moisture isn’t the only thing spewing into the air when cutting fluid is in use. Chemicals and oil fumes aren’t good for the humans working the systems. Employees should be able to count on a reasonably healthy work environment. Once again, the phrase, “Ventilate! Ventilate! Ventilate!” cannot be emphasized enough. 

Does climate control of a CNC shop sound complex?

Well, yes it can be a tall order if you don’t employ a comprehensive solution. Want one? High-efficiency energy recovery ventilation through BPE-patented technology. Install a BPE HVAC system that solves these issues by controlling the temperature of (filtered) outdoor air that cleanly displaces (rather than disburses) indoor air as often as necessary for healthier indoor air quality. The ERV at the heart of the system tackles humidity as well—with up to 34% latent effectiveness via BPE Regenerative Condensate Return® Technology.

Using top-notch dynamic controls (with Bluetooth as an option), you can program your HVAC system to adjust to varying temperatures and humidity levels. BPE uses high-performance, super-efficient fans (whether in-line or integral) and precision controllers.

Worried about cost? A BPE system can pay for itself within two to three years of lower energy bills. Never mind the savings on corroded parts, productivity, and your company reputation!

Ventilation USA, a BPE customer for years, frequently uses our energy recovery ventilators in their machine shop designs. Recently, they included a BPE-MIR-2000 ERV to solve a CNC shop’s climate issues. Have a look!









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