Know what’s rarer than a red diamond* these days? People who feel in control of their lives. No, life has never been free of obstacles, but many folks feel the world has gone topsy-turvy working overtime to frustrate us with nasty surprises and uncertainties. We feel it, too. Health concerns, hot button topics, financial stressors, and climate matters have left many of us scratching our heads for solutions or at least to make sense of it all. The phrase, “Focus on what you can control,” has never been more applicable.


What can you control?

Now, if you have the means to run off to paradise, more power to you! Arrivederci! The rest of us need to create our own hideaway where we can escape and/or take control of today’s frustrations on some level. A place we can return to end of day and breathe a huge, refreshing sigh of relief. That would be your home.

At BPE, we’re no different from anyone else searching to make sense of the world, and we figured we would share some favorite ways we make our homes sanctuaries and adjust our focus:


Do your best to stay healthy at home.

Surround yourself with whatever soothes you since mental health can precede physical. Whether it’s Baseball Hall of Fame memorabilia, family heirlooms, photography, or the color green, bring more of it into your living space—interior design rules be damned.

The power of pets cannot be underestimated. From CEO Klas’s bunny to Office Manager Tammy’s collection of pups, our staff believes the studies that show pets can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. In fact, BPE often has one or more dogs hanging around the office to that end!

Clean indoor air is of the utmost importance for human health, but because many buildings and homes run older HVAC systems, many folks go home to containers of indoor pollution, allergens, and viruses—particularly if someone brings that one home. As good blood is to the circulatory system, clean air is to the lungs. Clog those lungs with elements that shouldn’t be there, and you’re in for everything from discomfort to serious disease.

A study out of Harvard shows ventilation rates and enhanced filtration that exceed current recommendations promote better cognition and productivity. Naturally, the ability to do anything better makes for a more positive mindset. And as they say, good health is wealth! So, we say upgrade your HVAC to highly-efficient mechanical ventilation by way of an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) with filters for more thorough air exchange and humidity control. Heck, if you live in an apartment and your landlord won’t budge on retrofitting the building, you can still add an easily installed small unit to your space. Your family’s lungs and brains will thank you.

Key Point: You can take steps to protect your health by improving its ambiance and air quality.


Establish a comfort zone.

People talk a big game about stepping out of comfort zones, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to return to one. Home, being where the heart is, should be your comfort zone. Unfortunately, many of today’s relentless hot button topics, such as politics, can make places from work to home seriously uncomfortable—a source of underlying stress—and quickly. Your best bet for cooling down heated topics of which you’ve had your fill is to avoid them or take a baby step toward doing something about them for a sense of control.

Avoidance techniques are about setting boundaries. Possibilities include shutting off the news, banning uncomfortable dinner conversation, or deciding on a time of day after which such matters will not be discussed.

How can you take action to ease discomfort and gain a sense of control? Some suggestions: Get involved sending out postcards or making calls for your political party, make sure you and yours have all the info they need to minimize the risk of catching Covid, start or take part in a fundraiser or organization that aims to ease tensions. There is comfort in making an impact, no matter how small.

A comfort zone isn’t so comfy if you’re too warm, cold, or sticky with humidity. Don’t underestimate the effects of thermal discomfort on mood, productivity, and attempts to relax. Here too, an ERV with adjustable controls and superb efficiency is your best bet. Thermal comfort means fresh winter air enters your space at comfortable temperatures thanks to the ERVs ability to recover energy from the stale air it expels while bringing in outdoor air. Likewise, hot summer air is brought in at cooler temperatures. And humidity? BPE’s Regenerative Condensate Return® technology offers up to 34% latent effectiveness in controlling it. Live in the coldest of climates? We’ve hooked up our ERVs to heat pumps to meet that thermal comfort challenge.

Key Point: Create comfort in your psyche by setting boundaries and taking action. Upgrade your HVAC with a high-efficiency ERV to establish a Goldilocks zone level of comfort.


Chip away at financial frustrations.

Gas prices, impending recession, inflated cost of goods, the Great Resignation. Maybe your rent has gone up while the stock market takes a dip. Perhaps you had to take a pay cut while utility bills have only gone up. Financial matters can be a lifelong frustration even without trending woes.

Avoiding financial concerns will only make them worse, but you can get a handle on your personal situation by making an appointment with a financial adviser or giving the one you haven’t contacted in a while a ring. A realistic analysis of your financial health amid current market trends may lead to a more optimistic outlook or you might discover options for improving your strategies moving forward.

One area you can take serious control of is your energy bills. By now, most of us know the drill for chipping away at them by turning off lights, using energy-efficient bulbs, unplugging appliances when not in use … yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s a matter of doing it if you’re not already. It all counts. 

Want to keep a more satisfying chunk of your hard-earned money from the utility company? Upgrade your HVAC by placing a BPE ERV at the heart of your system. Here’s why it’s such a cost-effective decision:

  • Up to 90%+ thermal efficiency and Energy Efficiency Ratings (EER) of 36 to 160 (industry standard is 10) mean your HVAC will do more with less energy. (A home- or small office-sized unit can run on a mere 38 watts.)
  • BPE ERVs boast an ROR as little as two years.
  • ERVs prolong the life cycle of your existing HVAC system through reduction of mechanical stress.
  • BPE units help meet LEED and ENERGYSTAR® requirements opening the door to financial incentive programs.

Key Point: Want a sure bet for leaving more money in your budget? Retrofit your HVAC with high-efficiency energy recovery.


Coping with climate calamity

Eighteen scientific organizations came together to issue a statement on climate change: “Observations throughout the world make it clearthat climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver.”

You can explain that to doubting Thomas down the street until you’re blue in the face and ask for his science degree, but in his mind, you have lost the debate. Such exchanges amid slow responses from corporations and governments to course-correct are disheartening and frightening. It’s no fun feeling like your hands are tied when you are aware of all that is at stake.

Your hands are not tied, though. Individuals who do all they can to reduce their carbon footprint may inspire others. Taking control is a matter of informing yourself. The University of Michigan’s Center for Sustainable Systems has a comprehensive fact sheet for reducing that footprint.

Want to do your part to chip away at one of the largest sources of carbon emissions? According to the Energy Information Administration’s 2021 Annual Energy Outlook, heating and cooling are estimated to account for 42% of energy consumed in U.S. homes. Once again, one of your greatest tools for focusing on what you can control can be a BPE ERV. In addition to its superb efficiency, a unit will cut back on heater and air conditioner use—and in some cases, can serve as your sole heating and cooling device. BPE units have played roles in taking structures off the grid, in meeting LEED and ENERGYSTAR® requirements, and in converting vast industrial buildings to net zero. 


BPE Images: BPE-XE-MIR-200i (left); taking a raft building company off the grid (right)

Key Point: It’s up to everyone to do their part in taking control of emissions since the time to do so was yesterday.

We’re not going to say our ERV units are quite as valuable as red diamonds (the largest such diamond was worth $8,000,000!) But we will say we are mighty proud of them, benefit from the refreshing indoor air quality they provide, and are super enthusiastic to talk about them. So, give us a call, and we’ll help you focus on what you can control when it comes to HVAC that offers health, comfort, savings, and the ability to do your part in a crisis.

* According to the Gemological Institute of America, there are only 20 to 30 genuine red diamonds in the world.